Wednesday, November 12, 2014

People pictures vs. Things Pictures

Two weekends ago I went with my mom and visited my cousins Dana and Marc and their son Cole in Sublette, a small town in southwest Kansas.

I'm ashamed to say that I didn't take very many pictures of people while I was there. I took a few of Cole because he's so dang cute it's hard to resist. But I didn't take as many of the people that I love and the fun things that we did as I should have. Not making excuses but sometimes I feel like I'm being a burden when I stop everyone in their tracks and say, "Wait, can I take a picture really quick?" But I don't know why I think that, because if anyone ever asks to take a picture of me I feel honored, so my guess is other people feel the same. I should work on taking more pictures of people...

I did happen to take some pictures of Sublette. I really like the town - it has a different feel than the city and I like that. So I took some pictures. No pictures of people. But, no worries, I have like twenty of a water tower - because water is what matters in life... (sense the sarcasm.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures I took in Sublette.

And note to self: take more pictures of people.

(There's the handsome fella...)

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