Saturday, November 7, 2015


($25 regular, $27 vintage)

It's been a while, eh? Not a lot has been going on... other than the fact that our beloved Kansas City Royals won the World Series this week! It's pretty much all our entire city can think or talk about... we're a bit excited.

If you, too, are excited about the Royals and would like to get yourself a really cool shirt that few other people have, you should probably check out this shirt that my brother Cory designed. The way the website that he put it on works is that he had to sell at least 12 shirts to have it produced... 25 to make any money. He was just hoping it would get produced and he made it to 12... and is well beyond that. (Currently 46 purchases!) It's available for a limited time - but it's a pretty neat shirt and is on a high quality t-shirt. Check it out!

Go Royals! Get it here!

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