Hey there! I know it's been a while. Sometimes when I'm having a hard time it takes me a while to get to this place where I can look on the bright side of things. But I'm finally here. Ready to look on the bright side of life and blog about it. So here are some things I've been enjoying lately.... (Pardon the lame Photo Booth pictures, I was too lazy to bust out the camera.)
1. I bought a Kindle. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. My mom always talks about how much she loves hers, and I enjoy reading but am too lazy to go to the library, and my friend pointed it out to me that they were selling them on Woot! for $89.95... so I went for it. And I love it. A lot.

2. My friend Katie is in town and will be living in Kansas City this summer! We had dinner and watched a movie tonight (RedBox was running on empty so we chose For Colored Girls. Warning: most depressing movie... ever.) It was just really nice having an old friend around. I'm excited for the summer with her.

3. One of my guilty pleasures in life is girly beauty products. I got a coupon from Beauty Brands in the mail for a free smoothing spray (I know this seems dumb but I love this kind of thing, and it was a $16.98 value!) with any purchase. So what did I buy so I could get my free hair product that promises to make all my frizz go away? Another shade of OPI nail polish. You know how much I love that stuff...

4. I've been really busy the last couple weekends and this weekend I kept myself completely free so I could recharge. Not only have I had some quality relaxation time (I slept a solid 12 hours last night) but I've also been productive. Cleaned my room, cleaned the bathroom, did my laundry... It feels good to have things in order again. (My bed is made, that is a miracle.)

5. There's been a lot of celebrating going on lately. My brother Cory graduated from high school, then the following weekend his track team went to state and placed second, my brother Kyle's birthday was on Tuesday (p.s. Kyle if you're reading this, I thought we were going to celebrate on Tuesday so that's why I haven't given you a present yet...), and tomorrow we are celebrating my aunt Cindy's retirement. Lots of things to celebrate about.
Life is good.
1 comment:
I thought Boy in the Stripes pajamas was the most depressing movie ever...might have to check this one out.
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