Kiva, to use their own words because it's more eloquently put than I could ever put it, is "a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty." Basically, the organization sponsors people who need loans to start businesses, get their feet under them, etc. You loan them $25 (which joins with a lot of other people's $25), and they actually repay the loan, and when you get the money back you have the option of withdrawing it or reinvesting it in another loan. So great, eh? I chose to donate to two different loans: one was for a woman from Rwanda named Dativa who needed money to buy "foodstuffs" which she sells in her store. She's hoping that her business succeeds enough to buy a home some day. The other was for a woman named Blanca who is trying to expand her wood pallet recycling business here in the United States.
Anyway, I just thought the organization was pretty cool so I encourage you to check it out! Also, I thought I'd give you an update on my list. I have 20 days including today to go. Here are the things that are yet to be done:
-Spend at least 10 minutes a day for a whole week trying to learn how to play the guitar.
-Make a pretty cake.
-Send someone flowers.
-Spend an evening in a coffee shop having a "quiet time."
-Learn how to use my gosh darn camera.
-Write a song.
-Lose 5 pounds. (Let's say I gained a little, or a lot while on vacation, but I did lose some last week...)
-Read 4 books. (I have one left to read.)
-Make 3 funny/encouraging/ridiculous videos for people's Facebook walls. (One left to go.)
-Write down the beauty of the day every day until my birthday. (Working on it...)
I've got some work to do!
great idea on how to give the money away. I love your list and that I've gotten to benefit from many parts of it;) Also, I like the new blog design! Did you or your brother do it? Either way, love it. And thanks again for my leaves, they're adorable.
Can I request a ridiculous video? I love those. You should do one for Liam's birthday. he'd love it...
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