Sunday, July 24, 2011

Closet... check!

Joy the Baker inspired me to make a list, a list full of goals: some to better myself, some to learn things that I want to learn, some to love on the people around me, but they are all goals. My dad has recently started setting some goals for himself as well, three a week. Today we were discussing what an impact setting goals can make on your daily life...

...and my afternoon was the perfect example. I kind of lounged around this morning, then decided I should do something productive. I knew that on my list there awaited for me the daunting task of cleaning out my closet. I really didn't want to do it, but I knew it needed to be done. So: two hours, two bags to give away to Goodwill, four loads into the recycle bin and one bag of trash later: I did it! And it kind of made my day! Setting goals and achieving them is great!

The Before:

The After:


oscarellis said...

Wowee, Abby! Inspiring!

Momma said...

Nice job! Maybe I'll do the same thing to my closet! Impressive!

Jessie said...

Nice job!