(My blogging location tonight: my back porch. Pretty splendid...)
I became an adult this year. You know what that means? No summer break. Last summer I was working part time so I didn't really feel it... but this summer was my first summer with a real job and therefore I had no "summer break." Going into it I thought it was going to stink. Even in the middle of it I thought, "Man, it'd be great to just be able to go to the pool instead of work today." But I must say, after looking back over my summer... even with no "summer break", it was pretty incredible. Here's a recap of how blessed I was...
I baked. That's nothing new. But it was still fun.
(Momma's birthday cake. I know you've seen this picture before but
it's probably my favorite picture of all of my baking of the summer.)

(Royal icing sugar cookies with Jessie.)
I experienced a lot of change. Friends and family moving away. Changes at work. Changes at church. I think it was all good though...

(A going away dinner, of sorts, for my dear friends the Cunninghams.)

(What I stare at 40+ hours a week. Symbolism for the change at work.)
I got to hang out with my friend Katie a bit. She lived in KC this summer... and although I didn't get to see her a ton, it was still great having her nearby.

(Sadly this is the only picture I have of Katie from the whole entire
summer. Here we were making scotcheroos...)
I painted some.

(For Corrie, celebrating the birth of Theo.)

(For Valeria.)
I wrote this list. It kind of transformed my summer.
(I cleaned my closet. That for sure wouldn't have happened if it
weren't for the list.)
I went to Austin to help my brother Joel move in to his new place. On the way back we stopped in Derby, Kansas to celebrate the 4th of July with the family. That was a pretty special weekend...

(Torchy's Tacos in Austin. Amazing.)

(The Panther field from Friday Night Lights in Plflugerville, TX.)

(Gotta love the sparklers...)
I went to Watercolor, Florida with my family. What a great getaway...

(I can't take credit for this sand castle. Someone else put in
the work. I just took the picture.)
I went to the Lake of the Ozarks with my family and some of my favorite people in the world: our friends, the Wilts.
(Sunsets on the lake are pretty special...)

(Tubing with Joel!)
I experienced some great sunrises.
(My favorite sunrise picture of the summer.)
I got to celebrate birthdays... I think I take for granted sometimes how lucky I am to be a part of a family that celebrates the way that we do.

(Mom's birthday!)

(Celebrating birthdays with Mexican food and special people!)
I got to go to a Royals game with Jessie.
(Kauffman Stadium is one of the best...)
(We were sitting on the wrong side. Jessie was cheering for the Red
Sox. I almost defriended her... almost.)
I got to see my little brother Cory leave for college. College is going to love him. Not as much as I love him though.

What a great summer....
1 comment:
I LOVED this recap of your summer! I also loved that I made the cut. I did not love, however, that my eyes are closed and i have 4 chins. eh, can't win em all...
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