Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 27: Daily Routine

The things that are a part of my daily routine include: brushing my teeth, using the restroom, bathing (let's be honest, I may or may not be the queen of the "I didn't shower today so my hair is in a cute braid instead" look... on a pretty regular basis), eating, going to work... Nothing really that thrilling. So I just decided to take a picture of my caffeine consumption. Every day I start my day off with coffee provided by my beloved Keurig accompanied by some kind of tasty creamer because I'm not man enough to drink my coffee black. (The creamer to your left is actually my aunt Georgie's who left it here after Thanksgiving, but it was an appropriate prop.)

This picture may be the ugliest of them all. And this concept Daily Routine is probably the most boring of them all. Very few people do exciting things on a regular basis: Sky diving? Nope. Get a piercing? Nope. Have a baby? Nope. Write a book? Nope. Daily routines are boring. But that's ok. I'm still grateful that I'm alive to have one.

The end.

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