This year I had good intentions of making and sending out Valentine's Day cards. I made about two and then got distracted and never came back to them. This card was meant for my aunt Georgie and uncle Dave. Maybe I'll send it out next year. Or in a few months with a side note that says, "I loved you 3 months ago on Valentine's Day, and still love you now." Ha, probably not, that's cheesy.
Anyway, happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have the chance to tell the people around you how much you love them and that you hear it in return. If not, call me, I'll tell you how much I love you. Because it's true, if you take the time to read this silly blog of mine, I guarantee that I am sending some love your way.
cute cute card:)
Love can come any day of the year.
Send it! Send it! At any randomly chosen time! Maybe we'll send something back...
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