Today was a great day... For many reasons, but one being that a book that I ordered online, Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts, FINALLY arrived after 3 weeks of waiting. A few of my friends have this book and I wanted one of my own. I asked for it for Christmas, but my brother accidentally got Martha Stewart books confused and bought me her cupcake book instead (which you better believe I already own...) Anyway, I finally got around to ordering it, and it finally came, and I'm happy.
I have decided to kind of refocus my efforts from baking to crafts. After gaining weight instead of losing it this past week, I've decided that I need to cut back on the baking... With crafts, I still get to be creative and I still get to give things to people, but I hopefully won't gain any pounds. (Don't worry, I will still bake, a lot, I'm just going to split my time with calorie-free crafting...)
Anyway, I love my new book. It already gave me the inspiration to make this thank you card for my grandma. Thank you, Martha Stewart!
Great job on the card!
cool card! aaand i might have laughed out loud at "you better believe i already own the cupcake book!!" hahah
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