I love lamps. (Ha, that reminds me of that quote from Anchorman when Brick is like, "I love lamp." Ron: "Do you really love the lamp or are you just saying it because you saw it?" Brick: "I love lamp. I love lamp." What a stupid movie... I shamefully admit that it's one of my favorites.) I think I grew up in an anti-overhead light kind of family, so my love for lamps and distaste for anything overhead especially anything overhead and florescent just came to me naturally.
My favorite lamp is in my room. It's a floor to ceiling lamp and I'm pretty sure only one of the three lights actually works (or maybe two work, but the bulb went out on one of them...) It came from my grandma's house when she died. That's probably why I like it so much. It reminds me of her small house in Dodge City, Kansas that magically fit our entire 30-some person family. Anyway, for some reason this lamp gives me creative energy. Whenever I turn it on, I'm always inspired to create something special. Tonight as I was turning it on to give me inspiration for this photography project for work I thought to myself, "Man, I love this lamp. It makes me feel like I can create anything..." The truth is I can't, and it's just a lamp, but I love it anyway.

P.S. My friend Valeria wrote a blog post about lamps a while back. I feel like if I didn't send you to her post that I would be cheating as a blogger and a friend. Plus Valeria writes way more beautifully than I do. Go read about her take on lamps here.
I love the lamp pictures, I am glad you have the lamp, it does have special memories.
Your disdain for overhead lighting takes me to another movie... a classic, if you will... Joe vs. the Volcano. Humm. If you haven't seen it, maybe give it a try.
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