Friday, June 25, 2010

Goodbye, for now.

My life was officially put on hold last night and will continue being on hold until approximately 1:00 or 2:00 pm on July 5th. One of my jobs is to help my church run a fireworks stand fundraiser and the stand started last night. This year I am co-managing the entire tent which means I will be out at the stand... a lot. The stand is basically a big tent in the middle of the country, that means no air conditioning, lots of bugs, and some very interesting people. While there are many great components to the stand like the awesome conversations you have with the people you volunteer with, the love that you get to give the customers, and the very needed money that we are raising for the church... generally by the time I get home, I am wiped out.

I wanted to blog tonight but really have nothing to say other than I may NOT be blogging over the next week and a half for one of two reasons:
1. I'm uninspired because I'm so worn out from working.
2. I'm too busy to even take the time to blog.

Oh, and there's a third reason, that I'm actually really excited about. I may be spending all of the the creative energy that I have left on working on my new office. My boss's last day was a few weeks ago and I was officially given her office! They painted it for me last week, yesterday I got a desk with potential from craigslist, and today I went thrift store shopping and got all of the below for $25. I know... it kind of looks like a pile of junk, but I think with a little bit of creativity and some paint it's all going to be awesome! I'm sure there will be a before and after shot of the office within the next few weeks.
Anyway, if you don't hear from me soon, know that I wish I could be writing of the lovely things of this world but instead I'll be having quality conversations and loving on people out at very hot and buggy fireworks stand. Hasta luego...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kansas, revisited.

Last week I said it was my goal to prove to the world that Kansas is a beautiful state. My pictures were just so-so. There's only so much you can do when: 1. You're driving, 2. It's cloudy and gross outside.

On her way home from Colorado, my cousin Julie took some pictures when she was visiting her sister/my cousin Dana in Western Kansas and they were beautiful! I just thought I'd share them with you. Proof: Kansas. is. beautiful.

(Props to Julie, the photographer!)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Romantic comedies (aka chick flicks).

I’m sure it seems like I mention movies a lot. I don’t know if you can consider “movies” a hobby, but if you can, I’d like to add it to my list that currently consists of baking, singing, photography, playing games, and now movies.

I especially love romantic comedies or chick flicks. I know, I know… The fact that I am admitting my love for and even blogging about chick flicks probably bumps me down a few rungs on the coolness ladder… but it’s true. I love them. I love the cheesey lines. The funny moments. The attractive leading men (ok, I maybe don’t LOVE the men in the traditional sense of the word, but I do enjoy their looks, I mean acting.) I love the settings: normally in a big city (and now that I’ve been to New York I actually recognize a lot of the places which is fun.) I love the wardrobes. I love the love stories. I just really enjoy watching chick flicks.W

While driving the 9+ hour drive home from Colorado the other day, I rented the chick flick When In Rome. What a ridiculous, ridiculous movie… but I loved every minute of it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Starry Nights.

I wish I was cool enough to know how to take pictures that accurately capture the beauty of a starry night. But I'm not. A few people on Flickr are but most of them wouldn't allow me to copy and paste their pictures. So instead of finding some random picture on Google of lame stars, I decided to go with Van Gogh's "Starry Night" to help get across my love for starry nights. I think he's pretty worthy of the task.

My family rented a house for this week's Colorado vacation. There are 17 (aunts, uncles, cousins...) of us so we researched a little and a big house was cheaper than multiple little hotel rooms/condos. The house is beautiful... One of the many wonderful things about this place is that it has a hot tub outside that overlooks the mountains but also has a perfect view of the stars. No city lights or loud cars to mess with the moment. You're just sitting there, with a cool breeze, soaking up the hot tub, the silhouettes of mountains, and the stars. (And quality conversations with my cousins because I'd never go out to the hot tub alone... that's weird.) Anyway, it's perfection.

One of my favorite bands Balmorhea put out an album this year called Constellations. A lot of their songs have a starry night vibe. Here is a song that I feel depicts the feelings that I've felt while watching the stars over the last week.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I love Colorado. The end.

Another list.

I'm the queen of making lists of things I want to do in life and then never following through. Last summer I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish and it was the closest I've ever gotten to crossing them all off the list but that's because they were all fun things. I made a list in December of things I wanted to do when I graduate. I've only completed one and a half things on that list: watch new TV shows (which is a lame thing to cross off the list) and get a job (technically I only have a part time job so I can only say it's half way completed.)

I was recently reading my cousin Anthony's blog and he made this amazing list of things he wanted to do this summer. It inspired me to write yet another list. I decided to keep it short. That way it'll be more realistic that I get them done. You are allowed to ask me how I'm doing on them.

1. Get back on a diet and exercise regimen. (I could make excuses, but there's no point. I'm a slacker and need to get back at it.)
2. Learn how to successfully play at least 5 chords on the guitar.
3. Read 3 books.
4. Research/start carrying out starting my own baking business.
5. Pursue a friendship with someone new.

Here it goes...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I mean... this is kind of an obvious statement, but I love rainbows. Doesn't everyone though? Who actually sees a rainbow and is like, "Man, why do those happen? I hate rainbows." No one. They're beautiful. And you don't see them everyday. So when you do see one you stop what you're doing and take a moment to soak it up. And they always coming during or after a storm. They kind of redeem storms, actually. I really don't like storms, but I do like rainbows, and I guess you can't have a rainbow without a storm so I guess storms aren't so bad.

Anyway, I saw one today... in the mountains. It was magical. (Oh yeah... I also saw snow this morning. It snowed in the morning and rainbowed in the evening. So great.)

Here are some pictures of the rainbow, the break in the storm, and the snow. Beautiful.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Growing up in Missouri, I have had to sit through a lot of conversations where people hate on the state of Kansas because “it’s flat” and “there’s nothing there.” I’m sick of it and it’s time I speak out:

I was born in Kansas and lived there until I was four. Nearly all (but one aunt and one cousin) of my extended family from BOTH sides live in Kansas. I was born a Jayhawk lover and a Tiger disliker (I would say hater, but I don’t like that word…) It’s in my blood. I just love the state.

I had the pleasure (yes, I said pleasure) of driving through Kansas on my way to Colorado and I’m just as convinced as ever that it’s a beautiful state. There’s something simple about it, and I like that. It has a color palette of just about ever shade of green and gold and I like that. Yes… it’s flat, but it’s refreshing to be able to see forever with no obstructions whatsoever and I like that. I like it all.

I once had the epiphany that I think that Kansas was a gift from God to the settlers as they were traveling West: flat, easy land before getting to the treacherous Rockies. Thank you, Kansas. You were the calm before the storm that help the settlers make it through and discover the rest of our beautiful country. (Ha… that’s ridiculous, but maybe true, who knows…)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I have never really thought of myself as a person with a fetish (ok, let me explain before you start thinking the wrong thing…) I guess I really like to buy cardigans… and scarves… but I wouldn’t call them fetishes. BUT, I’m starting to think I may have a bag fetish. Ok, not really, but I really, REALLY like to buy bags. And they are gradually growing to be more and more expensive. Remember when I got really excited about my mustard purse a few months ago? Imagine that excitement times ten when I received the above beauty in the mail…

It’s a Timbuk2 bag and it’s glorious. I custom designed it and I think I’m in love. I know… it seems shallow that I can get so excited about something so… man made and superficial. But I do occasionally… especially when it involves the purchase of a new, beautiful bag.

I love bags. Especially this one.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Business Cards.

I’m officially a baker. Well, as far as business cards go. My brother Cory designed a business card for me a month or so ago and I just got around to getting them printed. My aunt Georgie works for a printing company and she not only made the beautiful printing of them happen, she and my uncle gave them to be to support “my business.” What a great family I have… I couldn’t find a more supportive group of people anywhere.

Anyway, here is the finished product. Pretty cool, eh? And here are a couple of my most recent creations. A pool party cake and a cake for a Princess Belle nature birthday party (hence the grass that she is surrounded by.)

Friday, June 11, 2010


I have had a crazy last couple of weeks and have been a slacker about blogging. Starting today, I am on vacation for the next 8 days… It’s kind of funny that one of the first things (well, second to sleep) that I wanted to catch up on is blogging. I’ve missed it… but I’m back. At least until things get crazy again.

Speaking of vacation… how great is it! Being a recent college graduate this is the first summer that I don’t have a summer break. Summer life doesn’t change as an “adult” besides the fact that my brother Cory is home having fun all the time (reminding me of the good ol’ days of summer break), there is the added possible activity of going to the pool, and my hair is frizzy… all. the. time.

Don’t get me wrong… life is good. I could be unemployed and be in a constant state of “summer break.” I am thankful, for sure. And I guess this new stage of life has made me even more thankful for vacations. I have always loved them (because I have been blessed with parents that value travel and took us on a vacation every summer that I can remember) but this summer I actually feel like I’m truly escaping something… which is kind of nice.

Anyway… yay for vacation! I love it and it is just beginning. I’m headed to Colorado with my family… I’m sure there will be great Colorado stories coming to you soon. (Can you tell I’ve been away from blogging for a while, I’m extra wordy today. Sorry…)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lightning Bugs.

I met my good friend Corrie about two years ago when she moved from Portland to Kansas City. When we hang out I often hear comparisons between Kansas City and Portland. She's really good about not saying one city is better than the other, she just states more matter of fact differences between the two places, and I enjoy hearing about them.

One of the things Corrie gets really excited about is the fact that we have lightning bugs here in Kansas City. I think I always assumed that everywhere had lightning bugs... but it's not true apparently. She said the only time she had ever seen them was in some foreign country (I feel like it was Germany or Denmark or something...) I've always liked lightning bugs. Starting from a very young age it was always a game to try to catch them in a jar... They inevitably would die within the span of an evening but I didn't stop trying to feed them grass and give them love and prolong their life. So, those fond childhood memories combined with this new information that Kansas City is pretty lucky for lightning bugs to live here... makes me love them even more. Tonight, on the drive home from Corrie's I saw quite a few lightning bugs and it brought a smile to my face... so I decided they were for sure blog-worthy specimens.

(I wish I could take credit for the above picture, but I can't. I googled lightning bugs and this is what I found.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Tonight, for I'm pretty sure the first time in my entire life, I successfully flew a kite! I didn't think it was possible. Or at least not with the cheap kites I always buy. But I did it! (And it IS possible with a cheap kite because this one was $2 from Walgreens.) Ok, so I didn't actually do the whole process of getting it up in the air originally, but I did maintain it, and that's something, right? Anyway, there was something relaxing about flying a kite... I was mesmerized as I gazed at it up in the sky. It was great...

I think I may add kites to my list of little objects that I enjoy:
4. Kites

I think I'm going to have to do some painting soon. Just thinking about these seemingly meaningless objects, all that can be found in a park, inspires me greatly! Maybe tomorrow I'll go canvas shopping... (P.S. I stole the above picture from an artist on Etsy, go here to inquire more.)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Card Gone Wrong.

So, my cousin Brad is working at Kanakuk (a Christian sports camp, for those who are unfamiliar with it) this summer. I've been meaning to write him a letter or make him a card for quite some time. Brad is the funniest guy I know so I thought I should make something funny for him... And the above card is what turned out.

Before you make assumptions... let me explain. Brad goes to K-State, hence the "K-State Brad" holding a pencil. He worked for Budweiser delivering beer last summer and is going to do it the second half of this summer, hence the "Bud Brad" carrying a case of beer. Like I said, Brad is working at Kanakuk kamps (yeah, they're cool and spell everything with a K) so I made a "Kamp Brad." I contemplated having him hold a cross, or having his hands up in worship, or even holding a football (because that's the sport that he's concentrating on at kamp) but thought that those ideas were all boring. Then I remembered hearing that he was certified in BB guns during his week of kamp training so I thought, "Let's be funny and have him hold a BB gun." Well... it turned out looking like he's planning on shooting up kamp. (If you happen to be a CIA guy looking for tips on possible bad guys, I promise this guy isn't one of them. I'm just horrible at making funny cards.)

Yep, it's pretty much a train wreck of a card. I obviously wasn't going for a polished look when making it. Apparently I wasn't going for a "non-offensive" look either. Oh well... he'll get the point that I miss him. Hopefully he'll laugh, and hopefully no one will get the wrong impression...