Friday, December 11, 2009

To Do When You Graduate

I just returned home from taking my last college final. I'm finished with college! I know... I could go back and get my masters or maybe I'll even go to culinary school, so I may not actually be done with school... but as for now... I'm done!

Over the last few months I've been been formulating a list of things that I want to do after I graduate. There's been this sticky in the upper left hand corner of my screen entitled "To Do When You Graduate" that I add to every time I want to do something but don't have the time due to school. It's not a very impressive list... actually a lot of the things are kind of silly and frivolous. But I'm pretty excited to get working on it. Here it is:

To Do When You Graduate:
-Read the Harry Potter series
-Watch some Wes Anderson films
-Read the Chronicles of Narnia series
-Learn how to play the guitar
-Visit my cousins Marc and Dana in Sublette, KS
-Visit my cousin Brad at K-State
-Watch some classics like Gone with the Wind (I also want to read Gone with the Wind)
-Starting watching some TV shows that everyone seems to like: Glee, Modern Family, maybe even The West Wing
-Oh yeah, and... Get a job

1 comment:

Jessie said...

We've got the Harry Potter 1-5 so you can borrow them if you want. And we're watching all the films again.