Wednesday, December 26, 2012

365 Photo Challenge: Week 27.

Day 190.

Alright, Week 27! This seems so long ago... but let me tell you about it.

Day 186: another Monday night dinner with Dee Dee... Jimmy John's this time. Day 187: our Christmas tree. Day 188: my first shot at making risotto... I made this recipe, it was pretty good! Day 189: this was another of those "I'm in bed and haven't taken a picture today" pictures, so I took it of my socks. Day 190: my first official date with this boy that's newly in my life (more to come on that later, I'm sure.) Day 191: the lamest fortune known to man. Fail on your part, Panda Express. Day 192: not my favorite picture of this project, but this is a rose that was given to Dee Dee on her first day and it has been living at our house.

On to the next week...

Day 186.

Day 187.

Day 188.

Day 189.

Day 191.

Day 192.

1 comment:

Aunt Cindy said...

Happy to see you posting. Love the photos. I am watching the Movie Julie and Julia, and it makes me smile thinking of you blogging and cooking.