Saturday, January 22, 2011

Copycat (aka For Valeria).

One of my very best friends, Valeria (you should check out her page, she's one of the coolest people I know...) posted this picture on my Facebook wall the other day saying that it reminded her of me (it came from this blog). I'm honored, because I think it's super cute. I told her I was going to try to recreate the look and would document it for her. Crazy thing, I know it's hard to believe, but I don't own a mustard cardigan. I've looked all over online and can't really find any good ones... So I had to settle with an old mustard hoodie that I had. Here's my attempt (my boots are a bit darker than the picture, but hey, it's a pretty big step for me that I even own boots. I was kind of anti-boots for quite a long time...) Anyway, this post is for you, Valeria. Love you, girl. Move to Kansas City already... :)

1 comment:

Valeria said...

oh how I love thee - and this post! you're adorable. the recreation is great. i'm still rootin for a mustard cardigan because who deserves to have a mustard cardigan more than you? no one, that's who.