Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So, last night something kind of ridiculous happened. It's a funny story really. Well, it's one of those stories that's so close to being tragic, but wasn't, so it's funny. You know what I mean?

Anyway, here's what happened: I went to Walgreens to return a movie to the Red Box there. (I rented How Do You Know. That movie has all the potential to be a quality chick flick: Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, Reese Witherspoon, but it wasn't, so don't rent it.) So I pulled up and parked my car, but left my keys in the car because I was only going to be a minute. I remembered I got a text with a free Red Box code so I decided to take a gander at the selection (I ended up renting The Switch; also has all the potential to be a quality chick flick, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Anniston... thankfully that one didn't disappoint. I think I'd even recommend it.) All of a sudden I hear this noise behind me that sounds like someone slammed their trunk closed really hard. I turn around with a small scowl on my face thinking, "Now is that really necessary...?" And then I see my car all the way across the parking lot. That slamming sound that I just made a mini-scowl at.... was my trunk, not slamming shut... but slamming into a brick wall.

Apparently I hadn't put my car in park, it had gotten stuck in neutral, and because the parking lot has a small incline my car just rolled its way on back until it hit a brick wall that stopped it. As soon as I realize what happen, I look all around wondering, "Who saw that?," "How stupid do they think I am right now?" Thankfully no one was there. And thankfully there was no parked car, moving vehicle, or person around for my car to roll into. And thankfully, that despite the fact that my car jumped a curb and ran into a brick landscaping wall, it is just fine.

Needless to say, I'm thankful. But man, what a story. And yes, I am ridiculous.


Valeria said...

Oh my gosh Abby. I was sitting here terrified as I read this. I thought someone jumped in your car and stole it (and then hit the brick wall!) Ah, so glad it ended OK, though. Also agree with you on How Do You Know - I found it borderline terrible. It was like they told Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon to act as opposite as possible from how they usually do. They just weren't their charismatic usual selves. Tragic. ;)

sarah said...

OH MY GOSH!!! - imagine if you had looked back while it was drifting! that would've been more tragic! ps: totally love that you've blogged a lot lately :)

Jessie said...

Oh my goodness!

You know who I am! said...

I just laughed so hard, I almost wet my pants!

You know who I am! said...

I just laughed so hard, I almost wet my pants!