Sunday, March 16, 2014

Untitled Book Project by Abby Thomason.

(The view was better than this picture depicts, but it was difficult to take a good one with a phone.)

Today I went and got coffee with a friend at a local coffee shop with a great view of downtown Kansas City. It was pretty perfect afternoon - beautiful view, good coffee, perfect weather, great conversation…

One of the questions my friend asked me was, "If you were to write a book, what would you write about?" I told him a little bit about my blog and how I like to write about the little things in life that I notice and appreciate. So if I were to write a book, I would write one with each chapter dedicated to a different thing that I love. He asked me what the first five chapters would be, and it made me think… I've been thinking all night and I think I've come up with my answer. So I thought I would share it with you all as well.

First Five Chapters of Untitled Book Project by Abby Thomason:

Chapter 1. Benches. I feel like my love for benches is a perfect example of me loving something random that most people don't even notice. It would be a good way to start off the book.

Chapter 2. Trees. Bares trees. Green trees. Leaves from trees. I love them all.

Chapter 3. Driving with the windows down. There are few things that can improve my mood as quickly as windows down driving. I don't have a good explanation of what - but I can tell you I love it.

Chapter 4. Light. What? Light? Seriously? Yes - there is something beautiful about sunlight shining in a room. I savor it every time.

Chapter 5. Baking. Sure, a lot of people like to bake, but I'm not sure that everyone views it the same way I do. I like the way batter looks in the mixer. I like it when cupcakes come out perfectly peaked. I like the way spices look in a bowl of dry ingredients. It's weird - I know. But if I did my job right, I could maybe write and make you love it too.

My pseudo-grandma Lois has been encouraging me to write a book for a while now. So I know that if I were to ever write a book, I'd at least have one sale. :)

Other Possible Chapters:
-The color mustard
-Bendy straws (yep, I said it)
-Wedding receptions
-A nice pair of sunglasses
-Icebreaker questions
-the list could go on forever...


Aunt Georgie said...

Interesting chapter topics, but not surprising. Probably the only one I wouldn't have been able to predict was "light". Also, I would be your SECOND sale. Dooooo it!

Paige High said...

I'd be your third sale!!! It would be similar concept to Cold Tangerines or Bittersweet. Two of my favs. Also, LOVE that bigsby made your blog. :)