Lately I've been thinking a lot about how great the band Gungor is. They sing Christian music, but it's not the cheesy, predictable CCM that Christian music so often sounds like. I don't know why the moment someone opens their mouth to sing about Jesus they automatically fall into a unfortunate pattern of musical mediocrity, but it happens... a lot. This band, on the other hand, is great. They have an original sound, with a variety of instruments (not your standard electric, acoustic, bass, drums), beautifully interesting vocals, and solid lyrics. I was reminded of how great Gungor is this morning when I played them for my friend Christine on our way to work. She was an instant fan, too. And was reminded again after a long (and I mean long) day of work, when I put Gungor on and their melodic presentation of the truths of this world turned it around.
I really couldn't ask for much more in a band. You should check them out. Now. (Below is an acoustic version of one of my favorite songs of their's: "Beautiful Things.")
I may have told you this before, since I tell everyone who mentions Gungor this. But the guy on the right side of your picture was a friend of mine in highschool. Actually we were on the teen worship band in youth group together. He was always SUPER talented musically. His name is Brad Waller.
Also, one of my top 5 favorite songs is Gungor's White Man. If you don't know it, get it, now.
I love this song too.
Anthony, I saw that you knew the guy from a comment you left on Brad's blog a week or so ago. That's very cool! Ask him if they need another member, or two if you want to join, too. :) I have heard "White Man" but it's been a while, so I'll have to listen. Top 5 though? That's intense.
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