Thursday, June 19, 2014

A little obsessed...

So I'm sure this will pass. It's a fad just like any other. But I've been eating tons of PB2 lately... and I can't stop.

One of my favorite meals to make is One Pot Wonder Thai Peanut Pasta. It's not the healthiest thing in the world (but I'm getting visions of replacing peanut butter with PB2 and trying it out asap!) so when I saw this recipe for PB2 Thai Noodles, I thought I should probably try it out. The recipe was a bit incomplete - it's funny because the Bell Plantation website (they are the PB2 people) even put a disclaimer about the recipe that sounded something like "we didn't try this recipe out, so we can't guarantee that it's any good and won't give you diseases." One of my weaknesses is that I rarely read a recipe all the way through before starting so I didn't see that until I was halfway through cooking the meal. I also didn't see that the directions were incomplete, so I had to wing it a bit. The good news is... I am moving away from the timid baker that needs to have every little thing spelled out for her and can make it work on my own!

So below is the recipe... Their ingredients. My directions. Teamwork, I'd say. And I think it was a success!

PB2 Thai Noodles

2 tsp. fresh ginger, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup chicken broth
8 tbsps PB2
4 tbsps water
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tsp sriracha (they called for a different type of chili sauce, this is all I had)
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 lb thin spaghetti noodles (I used about 12 oz. of gemelli noodles because that's all I had)
2 carrots
1 sweet red pepper (I used 2 to make up for my lack of pasta)
8 green onions (I didn't use any because I didn't have any)

For the sauce, mix PB2 with the water. Add the ginger, garlic, chicken broth, soy sauce, sriracha, sesame oil, and brown sugar and use a whisk to combine. Set aside.

Peel and cut carrots into small matchsticks. Seed and cut the red pepper into thin slices that are similar to your carrot slices. Clean and cut onions into thin rounds.

Bring some water to boil and cook your pasta for the designated time. While the pasta is cooking, spray a non-stick skillet with cooking spray and stir fry the vegetables on medium heat until crisp/tender.

When the vegetables are close to your desired crispness (or maybe even a little under done), add the sauce and bring to a boil. When the pasta is done cooking, add the pasta to the saucy vegetables and cook for a few minutes until the sauce has reduced to your desired amount of sauciness. And enjoy!

Also, Ive got another PB2 recipe that I've been enjoying that is SUPER easy and really delicious.

PB2 Banana Dessert (a really original name... I just made it up)

1 banana
1 tbsp mini chocolate chips
2 tbsps PB2

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Thinly slice a banana. Make a pouch out of foil and put the banana slices inside. Sprinkle with mini chocolate chips and PB2. Close up the pouch and cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes depending on how soft you want your bananas. That's it!

Alright, that's enough PB2 for one night...

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