Sunday, August 18, 2013

26 Things I've Learned at Age 26.

(26 year old me. Nothing grand. But that's me... relaxing on the couch... after I made this list of 26 things.)

A lot of bloggers I follow make these lists... (Lists? What? I don't have a thing for lists...) These lists of things they have learned. Some of my favorites are 30 Things I Have Learned At 30 by Gimme Some Oven and These Things I've Learned In Thirty Years by Joy the Baker. I turned 26 the other day and I'd like to make my own list. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit. Seems like the trend is to wait until you're 30 to write a list. But I've always been a bit mature for my age. (Ha!) These thoughts aren't anything grand. Some are obvious. Some aren't substantial. Some are stretching. But they are all me.

26 Things I've Learned at Age 26.

1. There is no use in stressing out over what you wear. Once you get wherever you are going, it really won't make a difference.

2. Be patient. Don't spend your life living in the future. (I have to remind myself of this daily and still struggle.)

3. Believe the best about people... even when it's hard.

4. You will have different friends at different stages of life and that's ok. If you lose touch it doesn't mean you love that person any less or that you don't value their friendship, it just means that life is changing.

5. "Enjoy the friendship." (This one is from my momma.) Just because a boy is cool doesn't mean that he has to be yours. Just enjoy the friendship and if something more happens... the great.

6. Don't worry about who pays for what. If someone wants to pay for your ice cream, let them. And if you want to pay for their dinner, then do. It'll all even out in the end. And if it doesn't, that's ok too because one person got to be generous and one person got a accept a gift.

7. It's ok to not have plans on a Friday night. It doesn't mean that you're not loved or even liked. Soak up the down time.

8. Don't be afraid to love on people too much. No one has ever gotten upset for feeling too loved on.

9. The world is a fallen place. If you're not moving toward God, you're moved backwards. (Yes, I basically just quoted a Ben Rector song.) Take this seriously and don't let yourself be fooled.

10. More complicated doesn't always mean more tasty when it comes to baking. Box mixes, especially for cakes and brownies, are nothing to be ashamed of.

11. Don't give up on something if you're not good at it right away - you'll get there.

12. Regularly re-try food that you think you don't like. Things might change.

13. It's ok if you don't embrace every new bit of social media - there will always be something new and you'll never be able to keep up. Ain't nobody got time for that.

14. Get good at asking questions - this will take you further than you think.

15. Sing at the top of your lungs in your car whenever possible. So what if people can see - it'll probably make their day. If not, they were grumpy to begin with so no harm done.

16. Talk about what you love. Not in the "hey, my opinion is superior so you should listen up!" kind of way but in the "this is great so I'm going to put it out there for the world to know" kind of way.

17. Your family loves you more than anyone in the world - treat them like the special, wonderful people they are.

18. Curly hair isn't the devil I thought it was.

19. If you are at Red Box and you choose a movie that you've never heard of, 9 times out of 10 you'll regret it. There's a reason you haven't heard of it.

20. Comparing yourself to others does you no good - you either feel bad about yourself or think you're better than someone else and neither are good things.

21. Communication is key - enough said.

22. You can rarely control your circumstances but you are in control of how you react to them - choose wisely.

23. Be real with people - there's no use in acting like you've got it all together because no one does.

24. Laughing is a special thing... don't slow down as you get older.

25. Handwritten notes mean more than texts, e-mails, wall posts, and tweets combined. They are absolutely and completely worth the time and 40-some cents spent to send them.

26. God's plan is always better than mine. Always.

There you have it. I have learned a lot and have a lot yet to learn...


Momma said...

Wow! I need to refer to this list often! You are so wise. One thing I've learned at age 56, "A wise mom learns from her kids!"

Taryn said...

Love this list! Very wise words!

Julz said...

You have learned a lot in 26 years Abby!