Sunday, August 4, 2013

Herb Garden? Check!

Remember at the end of May when I made a list of things I wanted to do this summer? Gotta be honest... this summer has been busier than I expected. (What a shocker, right?) I didn't quite have all the free time that I anticipated so I haven't been able to work on this list like I thought. Let me give you a little update.

1. Play lots of sand volleyball. I've played just about every Tuesday night this summer. I'd say this one is complete.
2. Grow my own fresh herbs. More to come on this in a second.
3. Buy a mandolin and make healthy chips. Nope.
4. Decorate our kitchen. Nuh uh.
5. Bake with rhubarb. Hasn't happened.
6. Invite people over for dinner more regularly. Pretty sure I haven't had a single person over for dinner since I made the list.
7. Ride bikes. Nope.
8. Learn how to use my camera with my aunt Cindy. We did this once but then... (say it with me now) things got busy.

I did cross growing my own fresh herbs off my list today though! My mom and I decided to go for it. She had some old mason jars laying around so we headed to a local nursery, bought some herbs, bought some potting mix (not to be confused with potting soil which apparently isn't quite as good for it), then went to work. Ok... it doesn't take much work. We put a little dirt in the jar, put the herbs in, put a little more dirt in the jar, then watered it a bit. Tada! I decided to start with sweet basil, thyme, and chives. I really wanted to grow some cilantro because that's the herb that I cook with more than any other but I guess that's a little more difficult to track down. Hopefully some day. Now the trick will be keeping them alive. That's the hard part.

(Mmmm.... herbs.)

(One of my favorite people in the world... my momma.) 

(A project isn't complete without "two large Diet Cherry Cokes, easy on the ice, please!")

(Possibly the beginning of my green thumb career.)
 But anyway...

2. Grow my own fresh herbs. Complete!

1 comment:

Momma said...

I'm glad I got to be part of the fun!