Thursday, April 5, 2012


Driving to work with this sunrise as my backdrop.
I've been reading this book called A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller. I'm not going to lie... it's kind of been blowing my mind. For a pretty upbeat person, I never realized how incredibly cynical I am when it comes to God and prayer.... until reading this book. I've learned a lot: about myself and God and everything in between. (You should read it. Seriously.) Anyway... I was reading it today, and there was this quote from a non-religious woman about Christians and their outlook on life. She said:

"They have an expansiveness of spirit. When they walk along a stream, they don't just see water falling over rocks; the sight fills them with ecstasy. They see a realm of hope beyond this world. I just see a babbling brook. I don't get the message."

While it makes me pretty sad for the woman in the book... I am pretty thankful that I'm on the "ecstasy awareness" side of life. Pretty thankful that God has opened my eyes to the glorious things out there. Here are a few examples of the things that have caught my attention recently...
"Laying" about 100,000 Easter eggs for an Easter egg hung that my church put on.
Having the afternoon off of work and doing nothing but laying in bed watching Hulu.
(I love the New Girl, by the way.)
Seeing glimpses of the sunrise through a sea of cubicles.
Taking the winner's trophy home that my friends and I have for game night.
(God can appreciate competitiveness... right?)
Admiring the beautiful tree in my front yard.

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