Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Try-It Tuesday: Lighter Sweet and Sour Chicken.

It's been a long time since I've posted a Try-It Tuesday recipe... but check me out! Here I am! I am on a new "eating healthy" kick as of Monday, which means I'm going to be doing less eating out and more cooking at home and potentially more blogging about it.

Fact: when I was little I hated Chinese food. Fact: now I love it. Fact: it's quite possible that every one of my Try-It Tuesday recipes in the near future could be Chinese-like food. Fact: I made Chinese-like food last night. Fact: it was flipping delicious. Fact: you should try the recipe. Fact: it's almost 100% likely that you are sick of me saying "fact." Fact: I'm going to continue to say it anyway. Fact: Iowa Girl Eats knows what she is doing. Fact: here is the link to her recipe: Lighter Sweet and Sour Chicken. Fact: I'm done now.

(P.S. If you're interested in trying this recipe and don't like spicy food I would recommend cutting down on the amount of sriracha in the sauce... it was a bit spicy!)

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Fact: those peppers would give me the burps.