Tuesday, September 10, 2013


 (October is hands down my favorite month of the year.)

I mentioned the other day that I've been dreaming about fall. It's no surprise really... This happens every year. Right at the beginning of September I think it's time to bust out the boots, and scarves, and pumpkin spice lattes, and fall recipes and go crazy and blog about it all. It's not that time quite yet. I'm making myself wait to get my first pumpkin spice latte of the season until there is actually a day with a chill in the air. Fingers crossed that that comes before Thanksgiving. Anyway... fall isn't quite here yet, so in the meantime I'm Pinteresting it and preparing myself for the glorious months to come.

This. is. magical. I'm hoping to take some good leaf shots this year. My new house has tons of big trees so hopefully they will be half as beautiful as this picture.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls. I have this rule that I can only bake with pumpkin between September 1st and Christmas Day. I think I'm going to wait a few weeks to start baking with it though. I'd hate to get tired of it too early. These cinnamon rolls will likely be one of the first things I bake.

Speaking of pumpkin recipes... This is funny. Am I right?

Rainy leaves. I don't know why fallen leaves make rain ok in my book... but for some reason they do. 

Fall fashion. I'm ready for boots, scarves, oxfords, cardigans, layering... I'm just ready for it. 

Soup. Enough said. (Ok, maybe not... here's the link to the recipe for the pic above. Broccoli Cheese and Potato Soup from Skinnytaste.)

Ok, I think that's all for now... I'm sure you'll hear more from me about this. It's fall, y'all. It must be talked about.

1 comment:

Valeria said...

Three cheers for fall! Love all of this. Those cinnamon rolls, that outfit...I'll take it all. Way to choose the right best month;)