Thursday, March 24, 2011


I've been a slacker at blogging lately, so I thought I'd do a quick post of 5 things that have made me smile lately.

1. This website with funny letters. I laughed... a lot, while reading these. (Stolen from my blogger brother Joel, as all good things on this blog are...)
2. Casey from American Idol. Yep, I still watch American Idol. I know, I'm so cool that you think you might exit my blog right now because you're unworthy of my coolness. Anyway, this guy Casey makes me smile.
3. Catching up with old friends. My good friend Christine got married this weekend and not only was the wedding a great one, I had a wonderful time catching up with friends from college that I haven't seen in a year.
4. Words With Friends. I know I'm way late hopping on the bandwagon. But I finally made it, and it's great. After a few games of getting my butt kicked, I am quickly picking it up. If anyone wants to play, my name is abbyjthomason. You know where to find me.
5. Weight Watchers Giant Latte Bars. Yes, I've started the diet yet again. It's not a matter of falling down, it's whether you get up again, right? (Or whatever that saying is.) Anyway, I've found one of the most delicious, healthy snacks ever... these ice cream bars. I had two last night. And I could. Because they're healthy.
Hope you've got some things in your life that are keeping you smiling!


Aunt Cindy said...

Good to see you blogging again...I always get joy reading this

Valeria said...

paul mcdonald. he's my smile-worthy american idol:)

Jessie said...

I think you left me hanging in Words...