Monday, July 27, 2009

Dear Blog, I promise...

I started this blog November of last year. I haven't been going at it for a whole year and I am already slowing down. Maybe when I started, it wasn't realistic to think that I could keep it going at the pace that I was. It was kind of like a new toy where you play with it non-stop, and then it gradually is not new anymore and you find better things to play with.

But, I desire to post a lot. The original thing that I loved about blogging was that it made me think deeply about my day. I would look around to find things that I appreciate that some people may not, and then I would come back and write about them. I don't know if the reason why I haven't been blogging very much is: 1. Because I have already written about most of the things that I find lovely, or 2. Because I have stopped looking for them.

Either way... things need to change. Not because I need to write something for the few people who read this, but because I need to reopen my mind to the beauties of this world (I know that was cheesey, but please don't throw up.) Anyway, this is my promise, to my inanimate blog, or to you few wonderful people who read this: I'm going to try harder.

I will be back soon to blog about something spectacular, or something not so spectacular that only I notice and deserves some spotlight. Until then...

(After posting this, I realized it closely resembles my friend Valeria's most recent post, only hers was more to the point and I dragged mine out more than necessary. Sorry V, I wasn't trying to be a copycat.)

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