Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"I'm female and I'm taken by trees."

The other day I was reading a blog, Design for Mankind, and it was showcasing a Russian photographer (not sure her name, they just identified her by her Flickr name) who described herself as this: "I'm female and I'm taken by trees." I'd say that is pretty representative of myself as well. I used to think I mainly preferred bare trees, but after enjoying a beautiful summer with full, green trees... I think I am just "taken by trees" in general.

Last night I was driving through the country, with the windows down (of course...), Taylor Swift blasting (a little bit embarrassed about that one, but you have to get the whole feel), cool breeze blowing in my hair, and the setting sun coming in and out of the trees as I made my way down the hilly road. It was one of those moments of perfection where I literally thought, "Man, what a beautiful place this world is." Lately, I have been in awe of how alive everything is. I love the green of summer. I love the fullness of the trees. I love the surprise cool nights after days of intense heat.

Of course, I took some pictures... With every wonderful moment I'm always torn with the thought, "Do I just stand here and enjoy this or do I try to capture it so I can remember it forever?" The pictures never do the real thing justice, but I always enjoy trying. With that said, I left my camera at the fireworks stand so the pictures of the photographer who's quote inspired this post will have to do.

1 comment:

Valeria said...

I like her photos a lot too!