Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oh How I Need You.

I've heard my mom and dad say before, "We can always tell you're not in a great place when you're not blogging." I haven't blogged much lately about anything other than my photo challenge post. And I've gotta be honest... work is kind of rough right now, and it's taking a toll on me.

I walk in the door every morning with good intentions. "Today, I am going to maintain a good attitude the whole day and love on my co-workers. I'm going to be the light that this place needs right now." Then something bad happens at work, or it's announced that more overtime is needed, or *fill in bad work thing here*, and there goes my good attitude.

One of my favorite band's, All Sons and Daughters, came out with a new EP yesterday, and the song that opens the album has been really encouraging to me. It's called "Oh How I Need You"... It reminds me that I can't do this on my own, that no matter how good my intentions are if I'm not leaning on the Lord then of course they aren't going to last, and how I need Him. It's a good reminder. And the truth that I'm trying to rest in today.

Because it's a brand new album there aren't any YouTube videos out there to show you of the song. But you can visit the link below to hear the whole EP for free.

All Sons and Daughters - The Longing EP

"Light, Glorious Light, I will go where You shine. Break the dawn, crack the skies, make the way bright before me. In Your light I will find all I need, all I need is You."
-Oh How I Need You, All Sons & Daughter

1 comment:

Leigh Anne said...

i needed to hear this tonight too. thank you for sharing! i've never heard of sons & daughters but will need to buy this cd asap. :)