Saturday, April 5, 2014

A little Diet Coke thing...

This message is brought to you by: the little things in life.

I'm a bit of a Diet Coke addict. I remember when I was little hearing about these people who would drink Diet Coke throughout the day and I thought, "That's so bad for you. Who would do that?" When we were little my parents limited us to one can of pop a day, and that was it. So to hear about these people who drank tons of pop all day long… it was unheard of.

Then somewhere along the way… I became one of those people.

My favorite way to drink a Diet Coke is via fountain drink. Bottles will do. Cans are better than bottles.  Fountain reigns supreme. I don't know what it is… more fizzy? extra syrup? I don't know… But it's the best. Just about any Diet Coke drinker would agree. Another thing all DC drinkers (or any drinker of liquid, really…) would probably agree on is that when they fill up their drinks they will try to fill it up as full as possible. (Gotta get your money's worth, you know?) It's great, but… it results in the dreaded "push your straw in and pop comes spilling out of the straw hole so you have to slurp it up real fast before it spills everywhere" problem. An easy solution would be to just not fill your drink up as full. That would be logical.

The problem.

But McDonald's has a different answer to the problem. They want you to have your cake and eat it, too. They want you to be able to fill your pop to the top and not have it spill everywhere. So they raised their straw hole. "They what?" They raised their straw hole! It's genius, really. And I bet you've never noticed it. I didn't either… until one day I did. "I'd like to shake the hand of the person who thought of this," I thought, and continue to think. What a good idea!

The solution.

It's the little things in life… Raised straw holes. That's what I'm appreciating today... and I hope you will do the same.

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