Tuesday, April 29, 2014


(Sometimes you doodle on conference calls to get your creative soul through the day.)

I'm not always so good with change. It's strange… because I often want change. But then when I get it, I tend to freak out a bit. I started my new job last Thursday and the change has been tough. I was the expert at my old job - everyone knew me, most people liked me, I was the go-to girl when someone had a question or needed something to get done. Now I know nothing, few people know me, and I have to establish myself all over again. And that's hard for me. I texted a few people Friday morning saying, "Pray for me. I'm panicking that I'm going to hate my new job." (A little dramatic? Maybe…) Their prayers and this little post-it note that I saw on my new co-worker's computer got me through the day. Her post-it note said:
"You can only like what you know. You have to have knowledge to know what you like." 
It's a cheesy quote but it couldn't be more representative of what I'm struggling with right now. I don't even know this job or this department or these people… (Yet.) The post-it has actually proven itself to be true… because the more I have learned, the more I have liked this new job. And that's good news!

It's funny how a little post-it note (and Jesus) can totally change your outlook on things.

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