I'm sure some of you saw the title of this post and thought, "Is she really blogging about blogging?" I suppose I am... but not in the sense that you'd expect. (I've actually already blogged about blogging before. Here it is.) What I want to blog about is how much I love reading other people's blogs.
One of the many things I love (and hate, at times) about technology is that you don't have to be a professional writer to get your thoughts out there. Blogs and such make it easy for people to write about what interests them and they don't have to be famous or special, they can just be a normal person (like me!) I love reading what people think and feel about things... And I love seeing how they creatively present their thoughts and feelings with each post.
This is nothing major or monumental, as usual, but today I was reading someone's blog and thought, "Man, I love this!" So I thought... why not blog about it. That's the beauty of a blog. (Oh my gosh if I say blog one more time, I'm going to go crazy... How many times have I used the b-word so far? Yep, that'd be 11.) Anyway, to the right you can see many of the blogs (sorry, I had to say it again) that I read. I thought I'd highlight a few.
-Baking blogs: Bakerella and Annie's Eats... both are great and have really awesome photography of their creations.
-Brother blogs: My brothers Joel and Cory both have some great stuff to say. Joel has awesome insight on music, books, movies, etc., and Cory showcases some of his graphic design work.
-Friend blogs: My friends Valeria and Emily have all sorts of fun things to say about art, life, and everything in between. Neither blog very often, but when they do, I get really excited!
-Pretty blogs: Both Design*Sponge (a blog about interior design, artsy/crafty stuff, etc.) and Style Me Pretty (a blog about beautiful weddings) inspire my creativity.
I just love reading blogs.
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