Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Try-It Tuesday: Cajun Chicken Pasta

We've become pretty quick fans of the Pioneer Woman in the Thomason house. I remember I first heard of her when I saw some baking blogger that I follow recreate her chocolate sheet cake. I remember thinking "Who the heck is Pioneer Woman? And why would anyone want to bake a sheet cake over a normal, pretty cake?" Well... little did I know... Pioneer Woman is awesome. I love reading her blog, and just recently I've been enjoying (actually, my whole family has) her tv show on the Food Network.

Last weekend on her show (and her blog), the Pioneer Woman cooked Cajun Chicken Pasta. It looked pretty yummy so I thought I'd take a crack at it for this week's Try-It Tuesday. Something tells me my end result wasn't quite like hers... My sauce didn't thicken... so it was kind of a liquidy mess. But it had a great flavor and was overall very delicious! The verdict: a do-over. We've decided it could use a few revisions though. 1. Add some kind of thickener to the sauce, like a bit of flour or something. 2. Use a different pasta than fettuccine because it was difficult to eat. Maybe penne? 3. Dice the peppers instead of slice them. Big pepper slices are also difficult to eat.

Join us next week for another rendition of Try-It Tuesdays! I plan to try something much less involved that doesn't require nearly as much much chopping. :) Oh, and above is Pioneer Woman's picture... below is mine. I know, I know, you can hardly tell a difference.

1 comment:

Aunt Georgie said...

Hey Abby! I would suggest angel hair pasta, that's Unca Dave's favorite. Also, will you skip a week on the Try-it Tuesday since your "eaters" will be out of town OR are you planning to have a par-tay?? Love you!