Sunday, June 3, 2012

A new list.

Lately I've been craving a to do list. Not like a legit to do list like "Clean your room. Go through your closet and clean out your junk. Wash your car." I am pretty content without one of those lists, actually. (Although my messy room, closet, and car would disagree.) I'm looking for a fun list. Like the list I made last summer of things to do before I turned 24. Or the list of gratitude photos I took in the month of November. A friend of mine is also a fan of lists. Last year she decided to take a photo every day of the year, counting down to her 30th birthday (which is on Thursday, and she did it!) This same friend made a bucket list of fun things she'd like to do this summer like "Fly a kite. Go berry picking. Go to an outdoor movie." Lists are fun. I'm ready for a new list.
Positively Present's 365 Photo Project: you take a picture every day for a year and focus on a different color every month. Her pictures are pretty cool... so I think I'm going to do it. I'll probably update you every week or so on the pictures that I've been taking. And to keep them all in one place I've created a Flickr page for the project.

June 1st (today is actually June 3rd, but whatev) is kind of a funny day to start. But I think I like this idea, and I think I'm ready to go for it.... The month of June is gray... which is the most boring color ever, but hey, I can do it. Here are the first three pictures I've taken.
(Day 1.)
(Day 2.)
(Day 3.)

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