Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Twenty five.

Today I turn 25 years old... It's hard not to get nostalgic about things... So I started thinking about what all has happened in my life over the last year...

Things I've done:
-I learned how to cook.
-I traveled... I traveled a lot.
  1. Oklahoma City (twice)
  2. Sublette, KS
  3. Austin, TX
  4. Columbia, MO
  5. Sevilla, Spain (no big deal)
  6. Estes Park, CO
  7. Houston, TX
  8. San Diego, CA (I'm actually going there this weekend)
-I got an iPhone. (Should this be something worthy of documentation? Probably not. But it is.)
-I baked a lot.
-I got a promotion at work.
-I started going to a new church.
-I learned how to make new friends (since all my friends left me... I still miss them dearly.)
-I made plans to move out on my own. (A week and a half folks... talk about bittersweet.)
-I suppose I grew up a bit.

Things still to be done:
-Lose more weight.
-Learn to play the guitar.
-Learn how to use my camera. (You knew this was coming...)
-Make a business plan for my bakery.
(These all were part of my New Year's resolultions list... still slacking.)

It's been a good year...

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Oh man...25! It didn't even occur to me, it should have bc I'm *gulp* 35. Hope it was special !