Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My favorite so far...

As I've mentioned before, I've been making a lot of cards lately. I realized the reason why is because my room is already crowded enough so I can't make something to hang on my wall, so instead I make little pieces of art that I can send to people. Plus, I love getting mail and I'm sure other people do too. That's why I've decided to focus on card making... at least for now.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I sent one of my favorite cards I've ever made to my friend Valeria. I never got around to taking a picture of it before I sent it so today I made a variation of it. Valeria's card just had a tree on it, this card, for my friend Corrie, has trees AND swings (one on the front and one on the back). (P.S. I may have added swings to my list of objects I love: trees, benches, cupcakes, now swings. You will likely see a lot of swing inspired art/cards in the near future.)

I'm not the hugest fan of the color scheme of this card but I like that it's simple, has a tree, and has a swing. And I like that I'm sending it for no reason at all. Birthday and holiday cards are fun... but just because cards are the best. That's why I think this is my favorite card that I've made so far... Just because.


Valeria said...

very cute! i love both sides

Katie said...

hahaha you are so funny/cute. i like trees. and cupcakes. and now swings. hahah this is why i love you.

Jessie said...

Those are great.