There is this guy that sits a couple rows in front of me in my education class and he is always messing around on his computer. I've noticed that he always is looking at two of the exact same pictures of different sports teams side by side and I thought that was weird. Until today, I realized that he was playing a game where you have to look at the two pictures and figure out what the differences are... It TOTALLY reminded me of those "What is different?" games you used to play in the kids magazine Highlights while waiting to get your teeth cleaned at the dentist. I did a little searching online to see if I could find this game, and here it is. Apparently it's on ESPN's website.
I just thought it was funny. Who would have thought that we would be stimulated by the same kind of thing that we were as a 4 year old while seating in a college classroom learning how to stimulate 4 year olds. Well, I'm not so sure the guy in my class is learning that much but I tried the game and it is kind of fun. Just thought I would share this strange circle that kept me entertained during class.
In other news, I decided not to study abroad. Just thought I would let anyone who cares know.
WHAT?! You're not studying abroad? I am presuming I will hear more about this tomorrow night....!
That's really hard. I couldn't find them all.
Abby, our Aunt Esther (our Gransma Burrichter's sister) used to get us a subscription to the Highlights magazine. All of us girls loved seeing it come in the mail. The Highlights puzzles are time-defying.
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