My cousins Julie, Anthony, and Brad came to visit on their way to St. Louis. We ate Shakespeare's, played disc golf, then finished the afternoon with some Kaldi's. I loved having them come and experience my town.
Then tonight the Bible study I lead met for ice cream at Sparky's. I had gotten so my tips from Kaldi's this morning ($43! That may be a record) but thought that I had lost a 20. On my way to ice cream I prayed that God would help me find the 20 and that if He did, I would treat the girls to ice cream. I know I shouldn't be putting ultimatums on God... but He provided nevertheless so I treated the girls to ice cream and it was a lot of fun. I like them a lot!
The overall theme of the day was simply joy, because the weather is beautiful and I have been surrounded by people I love.
Where did you find the 20?
In my car, under the front seat. It was my own 20, but it was still great to find it again!
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