As is to be expected, I'm tired. I had a schedule of 11-3 before, it's that no longer. And I have to pass a couple of licensing tests before I can get the job so I've been studying from 8-5 the past two days and then some more when I get home (and will be for the next two weeks). I do feel pretty educated though because I can now converse about things like mutual funds and IRAs and aggressive growth common stocks and stuff AND still sound relatively knowledgeable.
Overall, I'm really liking it! The business is pretty impressive. The building is nice. I even have one of those badges that you have to swipe to get into the building! And, more importantly, I'm liking the people I work with and the managers that I will work for, so that's pretty much all I need.
Just thought I'd give a quick update. Hopefully after I pass my two license tests I will be back in action in the blog world.
Good to see you back on the blog....miss reading.
yay for liking the new job! as for the verdict, i still don't know. apparently our insurance changed, and they wanted to charge me $100 to see a nurse. no thanks. and based on info from webmd, it looks like i'm getting over the bronchitis (if it is that), so.... much to my dismay, the world will never know :)
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