We had one of those indoor-outdoor thermometers that tells you both temperatures. It broke a few weeks ago and we haven't been able to find one that works well. Today... my dad brought home another one to try. I can't say thermometers get me that excited so I thought nothing of it. (For some reason I feel like older people care about the weather and temperature more than younger people do (with the exception of my college roommate Megan), am I right?)
I didn't even look at the thermometer until my brother Cory pointed out one of the coolest features I've ever seen. It has a picture of a man on it that is dressed according to how the weather is outside!! When it's warm, he's wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and shoes. When it's cold, he's wearing a jeans, a coat, and boots! Isn't that awesome?! So this afternoon it was warm and he was wearing this first outfit... And tonight, although he was a little confused on the sunglasses, considering it was 12:48 am when I took this picture, he was wearing jeans, because it got a little cooler. Isn't that great?!

Yes. I realize this post is silly. But this gave me a chuckle today... so I hope it gives you one, too!
And P.S. I've decided to name the man Gary, after our local weatherman, "Llllllook at that rainbow."
First, this is awesome. I want one now.
Second, does Gary know that it's the Midwest and you have to change/peel off layers/add layers every 5 hours?
Third, either way, I want this.
I want one too. The boys would love it. And then maybe I could get them to put jackets on when they need them. :)
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