Sunday was my last day working at the church. I was grumpy the whole morning. A little emotional at times, too (not a good day to choose to write "I appreciate you" cards to the co-workers that I will miss the most.) By the time the morning was over, I was so ready to get out of there. Like I've said, this transition out has felt like forever, so when the last service ended, I was ready.
Not only did I get out of the building when I left, I got out of the state. My mom and I had planned a trip to go visit my cousins Dana and Marc in Sublette, Kansas (What? Where? It's here, somewhere in between Dodge City and Liberal.) I've been meaning to visit them since Dana moved out there a couple years ago, and even wrote it on my "To Do When You Graduate" list (so far, I've only completed three things on the list... woops.) My mom and I made the 6-7 hour drive out there, and I cried a good portion of it. I'm not even really sure why... But I guess I just needed some time to wrestle with my thoughts and get some emotion out, and God gave me the long drive and a safe person (my mom) to do it with.

When we finally arrived in Sublette I felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. I got to get away from this environment (home, church, KC) that I (I can't blame anyone else but myself) had turned into this emotional black hole of irrationality (is that a word?) I had the distance to get perspective and get my head back on straight. PLUS, I was surrounded by some wonderfully supportive people (Mom, Dana, Marc), I did some things I love (play games, eat good food, talk about life), I did some things that I don't normally do (ride 4-wheelers (which could also be added to the "did things I love" list), shoot guns, talk about crops) and I just escaped.
I guess all that is to say that I left on Sunday a pretty emotional, irrational mess. I feel like God put it on my heart to plan that trip to Sublette for a reason. Because now, coming back, I feel renewed. I feel like I'm ready to move on. Which is perfect timing, because I start my new job on Monday. (Now off to Dallas to visit Valeria! I anticipate my time with her will be just as fantastic as my time in Sublette. Man, I'm one lucky girl to be able to do all I've done this week.) (P.S. Sorry for the crazy, long post. I guess I had a lot to say.)
(See! Told you Kansas is beautiful.)
Wow! Those are some awesome pictures!! You are such a great photographer. I'm so glad you guys came. It was probably the highlight of my fall so far!
i'm sad that we're in the same state but don't get to meet :( - i wish dallas weren't FOUR hours away! lameeee. one day, one day! -- p.s. - have valeria take you to sprinkles cupcakes!
Western Kansas can do that that to you, plus Marc and Dana are great hosts.
Looking forward to a wonderful post after your first day of your new job.
Have fun with Val in Dallas.
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