Thursday, June 25, 2009

Project "Sprouting Shelf": Completed

Once again, I had a surprise free evening due to fireworks cancellation so I had time to do my project that I wasn't going to be able to do for another couple weeks. It's a little different than the blog that I stole the idea from, Design*Sponge, but I like it. And because I already had a little shelf and some paint, it only cost me $8.63 to make! I love cheap decorating!

Anyway, here it is. If you want to see where I got my inspiration, look two posts below.


Valeria said...

abby! that's so amazing! i'm so impressed by how you and sarah follow through with your d*s inspiration. and way to go on getting it done so quick, it looks great.

Sarah Nabholz said...

I love it! It's so summery and cute :) I should visit you at your fireworks stand sometime next week! I probably won't buy much because I'm too poor to be one of those crazy people who blows up like, 1500 dollars (coughjakecough), but I could definitely go for some sparklers, jumping jacks, and smoke bombs!

abby! said...

I'd love a visit. I probably could get you 50% off...