Monday, June 15, 2009


While I love rain (well, kind of... occasionally...), I very much dislike storms. I wish I was that person that ran outside and watched the sky turn or tried to catch hail in their hands... Instead I'm the person that runs to the basement to take cover. The fact that my bedroom is on the top floor, closer to the insanity (and death) doesn't help.

I think the main reason why I don't like them is because I'm deathly afraid of tornadoes and in my mind, irrational or not, every storm is a step away from becoming a terrifying twister. So today as I was discussing this with Jessie, I realized... Maybe I would enjoy storms if I lived somewhere where tornadoes are not a possibility. Maybe I should move to a land with no tornadoes... Or maybe not. Kansas City is still the best place in the world. Even with the tornadoes.

Anyway, speaking of storms... Jessie sent this to me today. The first minute or so is really cool (the rest is cool too, but the first minute actually has to do with this post.)


Valeria said...

very cool sound clip!

Cindy said...

That was fun!

I swear we must be related! I have the same feelings about storms.