Monday, June 22, 2009

Summery Things

The heat has arrived. My mom informed me today that it is supposed to be in the 90s all week. Yikes! Now, I don't love the heat but I do love some things about summer. And here are five of them:

5 Summery Things That I Love:
1. Quik Trip 49 cent fountain drinks. I love them. You already know that I love Quik Trip, and that I love Diet Coke, and that I especially love QT's Diet Coke. All of this combined with the heat (aka: all the more need for a nice, refreshing drink...) and the cheap price makes for some awesome stuff.

2. My orange sunglasses. Joel gave these to me for my birthday last year. I love them, too. I love that they're orange, and summery, and much needed during this time of intense sun. Plus, I feel cool wearing them. They're great all year round, but their greatness drastically increases in the summer months.

3. Flip flop tans. I love having a tan (however infrequently it occurs.) I know, I know... skin cancer. I haven't really gotten a burn or a tan yet this summer, so don't you worry. But the flip flop tan on my feet is beginning to form. I know most people hate these and try to avoid getting them... but I love me a good flip flop tan. (That's not my foot... my tan hasn't developed enough yet to be captured on camera.)

4. BBQs. I have had quite a few fun meals with friends this summer. Last night was a good example of the splendor of a good BBQ. It was the Crows, the Cunninghams, David, and I and we just had a good ol' time. Brauts, hamburgers, pasta salad, sangria, ice cream, and good conversation. I love getting together with friends over a good, summery meal.

5. Longer Days. (I stole this one from my dad.) The longer days brings many great things. More flexibility because you have more time. More sunshine. Longer, prettier sunsets. Ok, so the list isn't very long but the fact that the sun is out longer just changes the atmosphere of life to feel a little more relaxed. (At least Dad and I think so...)

I hope you are enjoying summer as much as I am!

1 comment:

David Allen said...

I feel so honored that I made your blog!! Even with a pic! :)