Friday, June 25, 2010

Goodbye, for now.

My life was officially put on hold last night and will continue being on hold until approximately 1:00 or 2:00 pm on July 5th. One of my jobs is to help my church run a fireworks stand fundraiser and the stand started last night. This year I am co-managing the entire tent which means I will be out at the stand... a lot. The stand is basically a big tent in the middle of the country, that means no air conditioning, lots of bugs, and some very interesting people. While there are many great components to the stand like the awesome conversations you have with the people you volunteer with, the love that you get to give the customers, and the very needed money that we are raising for the church... generally by the time I get home, I am wiped out.

I wanted to blog tonight but really have nothing to say other than I may NOT be blogging over the next week and a half for one of two reasons:
1. I'm uninspired because I'm so worn out from working.
2. I'm too busy to even take the time to blog.

Oh, and there's a third reason, that I'm actually really excited about. I may be spending all of the the creative energy that I have left on working on my new office. My boss's last day was a few weeks ago and I was officially given her office! They painted it for me last week, yesterday I got a desk with potential from craigslist, and today I went thrift store shopping and got all of the below for $25. I know... it kind of looks like a pile of junk, but I think with a little bit of creativity and some paint it's all going to be awesome! I'm sure there will be a before and after shot of the office within the next few weeks.
Anyway, if you don't hear from me soon, know that I wish I could be writing of the lovely things of this world but instead I'll be having quality conversations and loving on people out at very hot and buggy fireworks stand. Hasta luego...

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