Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Tonight, for I'm pretty sure the first time in my entire life, I successfully flew a kite! I didn't think it was possible. Or at least not with the cheap kites I always buy. But I did it! (And it IS possible with a cheap kite because this one was $2 from Walgreens.) Ok, so I didn't actually do the whole process of getting it up in the air originally, but I did maintain it, and that's something, right? Anyway, there was something relaxing about flying a kite... I was mesmerized as I gazed at it up in the sky. It was great...

I think I may add kites to my list of little objects that I enjoy:
4. Kites

I think I'm going to have to do some painting soon. Just thinking about these seemingly meaningless objects, all that can be found in a park, inspires me greatly! Maybe tomorrow I'll go canvas shopping... (P.S. I stole the above picture from an artist on Etsy, go here to inquire more.)

1 comment:

christen. said...

kites are the greatest!