Monday, December 6, 2010

Little Things: Christmas Parties.

Christmas parties, like many things of the Christmas variety, can be very good... or very bad. I've never been to one of those awkward work Christmas parties that they always depict in the movies (or like in one of my favorite TV shows the Office) but I can imagine they're horrible. The only Christmas parties I've ever been to have been wonderful. Here's what I love about them:

1. The good food.
2. The good company.
3. The Christmas carol background music.
4. The Christmas sweaters.
5. The cheesy (yet awesome) Christmas themed games.
6. The atmosphere of joy and thankfulness.
7. The catching up.
8. The Christmas cookies.
9. The Christmas decorations. (No matter the occasion, I'm going to like the decorations...)
10. The good cheer. (Ok, I couldn't really think of a 10th thing so I went with the cheesy.)

Basically, I love a good gathering, especially when Christmas is involved. That's all I'm saying.

Little Things Christmas Edition Day 6: Christmas Parties!

1 comment:

sarah said...

i have my first work christmas party friday as i'm sure you've seen on twitter. it should be interesting to say the least...