My boss recently encouraged me to basically fall off the face of the earth for a little while and have some time of solitude to see what God's doing in my life. (That's the beauty of working at a church...) She knows that I'm a "people person" and that I rely heavily on my relationships so she encouraged me to cut myself off completely, for at least a day. (I know, a day, that's not long, but for a person like me, it is.) So that's what I'm doing. In about 30 minutes I'm heading off to a friend's home for a retreat and I'm not bringing my laptop, and I'm only bringing my phone in case I get a call about a job (P.S. I'm looking for a job, I don't know if I've mentioned that.) Just me, my Bible, a few books, and my iPod. It should be great... But gosh, pray for me, that I'll be able to survive my 24 hours alone.
(P.S. Here's a link to the free, short, online Meyers Briggs test that I took, if you're curious to learn a little bit more about your own personality.)
Yeah I was about to message you then remembered you are hiding out. Hope its great.
You're in good company. I am an ESFJ also!
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