Sunday, August 29, 2010


Yep, this blog post is going to be about people. No one in particular, just people in general. I love being around people. I used to think everyone loved, even needed people as much as I do... but apparently it's not true. Some are what we like to call introverts... I am not one of those people. Recently I took a Meyers Briggs personality test and my results classified me as an ESFJ. I don't know if that means anything to you, but in the description of my personality it said this: "Friendly, outgoing, neighborly - in a word, ESFJs are gregarious, so much so that they become restless when isolated from people" ... among other things, but you must know this about me to give the following paragraph significance.

My boss recently encouraged me to basically fall off the face of the earth for a little while and have some time of solitude to see what God's doing in my life. (That's the beauty of working at a church...) She knows that I'm a "people person" and that I rely heavily on my relationships so she encouraged me to cut myself off completely, for at least a day. (I know, a day, that's not long, but for a person like me, it is.) So that's what I'm doing. In about 30 minutes I'm heading off to a friend's home for a retreat and I'm not bringing my laptop, and I'm only bringing my phone in case I get a call about a job (P.S. I'm looking for a job, I don't know if I've mentioned that.) Just me, my Bible, a few books, and my iPod. It should be great... But gosh, pray for me, that I'll be able to survive my 24 hours alone.

(P.S. Here's a link to the free, short, online Meyers Briggs test that I took, if you're curious to learn a little bit more about your own personality.)


Jessie said...

Yeah I was about to message you then remembered you are hiding out. Hope its great.

David Allen said...

You're in good company. I am an ESFJ also!