A few weeks ago I wrote about how I really enjoyed waking up to coffee when I was on vacation. So I made it a goal to obtain a new coffee maker (either by buying it for myself or asking for one for my birthday) and to buy some nice coffee. Well, it's done. My parents gave me a beautiful new, stainless steel looking Mr. Coffee coffee maker and a couple of pounds of Starbucks coffee, and I'm good to go.
My favorite feature is the Delay Brew button. I know... these have been around forever, but man, I love it. I love getting it all ready the night before so it's all brewing right when I want it the next morning. I love how after hitting the snooze button five too many times (yes, I'm that person who sets her alarm 30 minutes early just so she can hit the snooze button a few times before crawling out of bed) and hurriedly getting myself ready for the day... I walk down the stairs to the wonderful smell of coffee and my lovely recycled plastic (yep, I'm green sometimes...) Kaldi's thermos sitting there waiting for me... Thanks to the Delay Brew button, I'm out the door in a few minutes (gotta take the time to add a couple of Sweet n' Lows and some creamer; Fact: I'm not man enough to drink my coffee black) with a perfect cup of coffee.
Basically, I'm just saying I love the Delay Brew button. That's all.

...and you love your momma and daddy!
OMGSH! I just made up my mind that I was going to start making coffee using my delay feature! You read my mind!
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