Monday, April 6, 2009

Nothing out of the ordinary...

For some reason life has been pretty low key lately. Nothing too exciting.

It snowed today. It's April 6th. I watched the vibrant tulips on campus look up to the sky in wonder as they felt these cold clusters surround them and think, "Something just isn't right here." But I suppose the cold gave me an excuse to continue wearing my favorite accessory: the scarf. So really I'm not complaining.

One noteworthy thing that happened today is that on my way out from getting a few groceries from Wal-Mart the automatic door closed on me. Not all the way. But it for sure hit me then realized something was there so it reversed directions. I wish I was with someone to laugh and enjoy the funny experience with. Instead I just smiled to myself and kept walking. Hopefully it brought a smile to someone else's face, too.


Anthony P said...

I once saw some guys at walmart that were kind of running so the door didn't open for them in time and they slammed into it and it swung open like a normal door! Didn't even know that the doors did that. But it was pretty funny.

Whit said...

SNOW?! April?! Missouri what has happened to you? Oh, and where is this so-called global warming huh?

Dana Voth said...

That made ME laugh out loud. I'm still kind of chuckling. Oh, you're funny!