Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today I was sitting on a bench on the quad with a friend, minding my own business, studying mneumonic devices and cognitive processes for my education test when all of a sudden my friend said, "Oh my gosh!" and points behind me. There were four people dressed up as Teletubbies running through the crowd dancing and giving people high fives.... It was funny.

My friend thought it was REALLY funny though. I laughed for a while but he laughed about it for about 5 minutes and finally said, "Ah, that made my day..." It's not very often that I find someone who laughs about things longer than I do. It was kind of fun for a change...


Anthony P said...

I would be laughing for a while too. That is amazing! I wish I could have seen it. (or been one of the ones doing it)

Georgie said...

Times have changed! When we were in college we only had naked streakers run through our common areas. I think I'd like the teletubbies better!