I'm a pretty hardcore extravert. I will choose to be with people over being by myself 10 out of 10 times. Sometimes I get anxious, even nauseous, if I'm alone for too long. It's a sickness, really. I love being around people. BUT, I've realized lately that maybe I'm not as much of an extravert as I thought because at the end of the day, I love escaping and doing whatever I want to do... all by myself.
Tonight I found myself craving to be upstairs in my room, alone. Reading, watching a movie, painting my nails, making some kind of craft... whatever I'm in the mood for. I turn on my cheesy white lights (don't judge me, I love them), shut my door, and escape into my room that inspires me and allows me to be whoever I want to be, all by myself. Tonight that consists of watching some cheesy chick flick I've never heard of on Netflix and catching up on some magazine reading (In Style, Real Simple, and maybe some Everyday with Rachael Ray). I'm ecstatic to be doing just that.
I was just thinking about how much I enjoy this time, and thought I'd blog about it. Who would have thought? An extravert who loves, even craves, some alone time....

...replace InStyle with a Michael Chabon book or GQ, and you've got my evening right there.
I'm an extrovert who wants to be an introvert because all of all of his guy friends are introverts.
how much did those string lights cost and where in the world did you get them? I'm jealous lol
I'm an extravert who is just now learning to like some alone time, it still surprises me. Interesting post though.
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